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At the moment, five datasets are present here, all available under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license: dataBB2013, dataCK2018, dataEV2013, dataYBC2019, and dataYM2018.

You can download all the datasets as CSV files here: dataBB2013, dataCK2018, dataEV2013, dataYBC2019, and dataYM2018.


Quantitative characteristics: 121 patients, 12 features, released in 2013. License: CC BY-NC 4.0. File type: CSV
Original dataset article.

feature meaning type values
Age at diagnosis age at diagnosis months 2, ..., 196
Ferritin ferritin serum level ng/ml -99, 19, ..., 2250
Histologic category Histologic category categorical NS, NB, GNB
INRG Risk classification risk group: HR: high risk categorical (only one value) 1
INSS Stage Stage of the tumor (only stage 4 patients) categorical (only one value) 1
Methylation PCDHB cluster (%) methylation of 17 genes of the Protocadherin B cluster percentage 29.44, ..., 88.93
Methylation SFN (%) methylation of the SFN gene percentage 36.6, ..., 99
MYCN amplification Status of nMYC oncogene: 0, amplified, 1, unamplified; binary 0, 1
OS overall survival months 0.27, ..., 164.47
Outcome Clinical Outcome categorical AICR, AWD, AWSD, CR, DOD
PFS progression free survival months 3.7, ...., 74.7, NaN

Download the dataBB2013 dataset      


Quantitative characteristics: 20 patients, 16 features, released in 2018. License: CC BY-NC 4.0. File type: CSV
Original dataset article.

feature meaning type values
11q- presence of chromosomal aberration at 11q site boolean yes, no, -
171+ presence of chromosomal aberration at 17q site boolean yes, no, -
1p- presence of chromosomal aberration at 1p site boolean yes, no, -
age age months 0, ..., 10.2
Ferritin ferritin levels ng/mL 15, ..., 1638.6
LDH lactic acid dehydrogenase levels U/L 539, ..., 6200
Local RTx dose (gy) dosage of radiation float 15, 23.4, 25.2, -
Metastatic sites site of metastsoization categorical BM, bone, kidney, liver, LN, lung,
mediastinum, muscle, pleura, skin
NSE neuron-specific enolase levels float 7.3, ..., 947
Outcome alive or dead boolean NED, EFS
Outcome_mo follow-up monhths 17, ..., 91
Primary site tumor primary site binary abdomen, mediastinum
Sex F/M binary M/F
Tumor response after CT & S patient response after chemotheraphy and surgey categorical CR, MR, PR, VGPR
Tumor response after DT patient response after differentiation theraphy (DT) categorical CR, MR, PR, VGPR
Urine VMA vanillylmandelic acid levels in urine mg/day 0.5, ..., 53.9

Download the dataCK2018 dataset      


Quantitative characteristics: 19 patients, 11 features, released in 2013. License: CC BY-NC 4.0. File type: CSV
Original dataset article.

feature meaning type values
Age at diagnosis age months 9, ..., 108
Follow-up time Overall survival months 1, ..., 132
ID ID integer code
Metastases Presence of metastasis boolean yes, no
Outcome Clinical outcome categorical ADF, AWD, DOD, DOS, DTC
Pathology Patological category categorical nGNB, pdNB, uNB
Protocol Treatment Treatment protocol categorical HR-NBL1, INES, LNESG1, N-II-92, NAR-99
Relapse relapsed Yes or no boolean yes/no
Sex M/F binary M/F
Stage Stage of the tumor categorical 1, 2, 3, 4
Interval to first relapse Interval to first relapse months 4, ..., 28
Treatment Response treatmnent response categorical CR, DP, PR, SurPR, VGPR

Download the dataEV2013 dataset      


Quantitative characteristics: 7 patients, 10 features, released in 2019. License: CC BY-NC 4.0. File type: CSV
Original dataset article.

feature meaning type values
Age at Dx. Age of the patient at diagnosis years 1.5, ..., 3.5
Age at relapse Age of the patient at relapse years 4.1, ..., 8.6
HDCT1 regimen first high-dose chemotherapy binary TTC, CEC
HDCT2 regimen second high-dose chemotherapy binary MEC, MIBG-TM
Interval to relapse Interval (m) to relapse months 12, ..., 75
MYCN status amplified (A) or not amplified (NA) binary A, NA
Relapsed sites relapse sites in the body categorical Primary, Brain, bone, LNs, BM
Stage at Dx only metastistic tumors categorical 4
Treatment prior to haplo-SCT treatment prior to haploidentical stem
cell transplantation
categorical Surgery, L-RT, CT×5, CT×6, CT×7
Tumor status at haplo-SCT tumor status at athaploidentical stem
cell transplantation
categorical PR, CR, VGPR

Download the dataYBC2019 dataset      


Quantitative characteristics: 169 patients, 13 features, released in 2018. License: CC BY-NC 4.0. File type: CSV
Original dataset article.

feature meaning type values
age <12 months, 1, 12–60 months, 2, ≥60 months; integer 0, 1, 2
autologous stem cell transplantation Autologous stem cell transplantation: 0: no, 1: yes. binary 0, 1
degree of differentiation Degree of differentiation: 0: undifferentiated subtype; categorical 0, 1, 2
1: poorly differentiated subtype; 2: differentiating subtype;
histology prognosis 1: FH favorable histology, 0: UF unfavorable histology binary 0, 1
MYCN status Status of nMYC oncogene: 0, amplified, 1, unamplified; binary 0, 1
outcome Clinical Outcome: 1, dead of disease, 0, alive or lost follow-up; binary 0, 1
radiation Radiation: 0, no, 1, yes; binary 0, 1
Risk Risk group: 0: intermediate-risk; 1: high-risk. categorical 0, 1
sex 0: male; 1: female integer 0, 1
site primary tumor Site: 0, adrenal gland, 1, mediastinum, 2, others. categorical 0, 1, 2
stage Stage of the tumor categorical 1, 2, 3, 4
surgical methods total or partial resection binary 0, 1
time overall survival months 1, ..., 100

Download the dataYM2018 dataset