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CIBB 2021 Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics

The main goal of this 17th edition of the CIBB international conference is to provide a multi-disciplinary forum open to researchers interested in the application of computational intelligence, in a broad sense, to open problems in bioinformatics, biostatistics, systems and synthetic biology and medical informatics. Cutting-edge methodologies capable of accelerating life science discoveries will be discussed. Following its tradition and roots, this year's meeting will bring together researchers from the international scientific community interested in advancements and future perspectives in bioinformatics and biostatistics. Moreover, looking at current trends and future opportunities at the edge of computer and life sciences, the application of computational intelligence to system and synthetic biology, and the consequent impact on innovative medicine will be of great interest for the conference. Theoretical and experimental biologists are also invited to participate in order to present novel challenges and foster multidisciplinary collaboration.
After the conference, the authors of all the accepted short papers presented at the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their manuscripts to the conference proceedings book in Springer Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) or to a journal supplement in BMC Bioinformatics or BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.

Publication of post-conference proceedings and journal supplements

News - November 2022: the first bioinformatics articles of the BioMed supplement regarding CIBB 2021 were published in the BMC Bioinformatics volume 23 supplement 6, and the first health informatics articles of the CIBB 2021 BioMed supplement were published in the BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making volume 22 supplement 6. Selected extended articles were published as CIBB 2021 proceedings in the Springer Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) volume 13483.

The following edition of the conference, CIBB 2023, happened in Padua (Italy, EU) in person in September 2023. Please check out the CIBB 2023 website.

The next edition of the conference, CIBB 2024, will happen in Benevento (Italy, EU) in person in September 2024. Please check out the CIBB 2024 website.

When and where

The CIBB 2021 conference happened online on 15, 16, 17 November 2021.

Scientific programme

The final programme of the conference can be found in the programme webpage.
Each registered participant will have a slot of 20 minutes (15 minutes for slides plus 5 minutes for questions and answers) to present her/his short paper content.

Conference video recordings

The registered CIBB 2021 participants can watch the video recordings of all the conference talks and presentations online on WeConf.eu



For any question, please contact the main conference chairs via email at cibb2021(AT)protonmail.com
We are currently experiencing some issues with our ProtonMail email account; for a more reliable communication, feel free to contact the general chairs directly to their personal email addresses.


The official URL of CIBB 2021 is www.isa.cnr.it/cibb2021
Please spread it to your collaborators and colleagues.


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(Last update of this website: 21 March 2024)