16th International Conference on Computational Intelligence methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Università di Bergamo, Italy, EU 4th, 5th, 6th September 2019
(Last update of this webpage: 17th December 2020)
2020-12-17 Some other articles presented at our special session has been published in the official proceedings of the conference within a Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) book.
The proceedings book is the volume 12313 of the series, and features the following articles:
2020-08-20 A selection of extended articles presented at the special session has been published in a supplement of the BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making journal.
The supplement is the number 5 of the 20th volume of journal, and features the following articles:
2020-06-01 The special session is confirmed and the scientific programme is available on the CIBB 2019 website. The registration to the CIBB 2019 conference is now open: you can register here.
This is the webpage for the call for papers for the special session Machine Learning in Healthcare Informatics and Medical Biology within the 16th International Conference on Computational Intelligence methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB 2019) that will be held at Università di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy, EU.
If you are working on a project related to the topics described below, you are warmly invited to submit a short paper to our special session.
Machine learning has become a pivotal tool to analyze biomedical and biological datasets, especially in the Big Data era. In fact, machine learning algorithms can identify hidden relationships and structures in health care data, and even take advantage of them to make accurate predictions about similar or future data instances. For example, machine learning software has been able to predict the diagnosis of tumor patients just by processing patients' clinical features, allowing scientists to save time and money compared to wet lab experiments. Computational researchers have also exploited machine learning to infer knowledge about patients by analyzing biological datasets, especially the ones featuring genetics and epigenomic traits. Data mining approaches applied to such datasets, in fact, can lead to relevant discoveries both to understand molecular biology and to gain new knowledge about patients’ diseases.
Our special session on "Machine Learning in Healthcare Informatics and Medical Biology" aims at boosting these scientific fields, calling for researchers able to show the potential and the advance of machine learning algorithms to make accurate computational predictions in health care datasets and in patient-oriented biological datasets.
Topics of interest include:
The International Conference on Computational Intelligence methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB) is an annual scientific conference dedicated to computational intelligence algorithms applied to bioinformatics and biostatistics problems. It started in Perugia (Italy, EU) in 2004 and CIBB 2019 will be the 16th edition. You can read more about CIBB on Wikipedia.
Davide Chicco* (Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) Anne-Christin Hauschild (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany) Mickaël Mendez (University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) Giuseppe Jurman (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy) João Ribeiro Pinto (Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Tecnologia e Ciencia, Porto, Portugal) *corresponding organizer: Davide Chicco davidechicco(AT)davidechicco.it
Marco Masseroli, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy Talk provisional title: "Processing of big heterogeneous genomic datasets for tertiary analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data"
The organizers thank the paper reviewers for their extraordinary work:
Prospective authors should submit papers prepared according to the following instructions:
The accepted papers will be distributed at the conference as .pdf files. At least one author of an accepted paper is required to register and present their paper at the conference.
New this year: all the papers accepted to our special session will be invited to submit an extended version to a post-conference supplement on the BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making journal. We already have a preliminary agreement with the journal.
Examples of previous CIBB edition post-publications:
Extended paper submission deadline: Wednesday 15th May 2019 (FINAL STRICT DEADLINE)
Acceptance/rejection notification: Sunday 30th June 2019
Camera-ready due: Saturday 20 July 2019
Conference: Wednesday 4th, Thursday 5th, Friday 6th September 2019
One of the goal of this special session is to drive authors to improve the quality of their papers, and make them suitable for journal publication. By taking advantage of all the steps of the submission process and of the presence at the conference, the authors can keep improving their manuscript until the final publication on the journal. A schematic idea of the process:
Please share this call for papers and the URL to this website: https://davidechicco.github.io/cibb2019specialsession/
Organizing the special session needs effort every year. Are you interested to help us with the organization of the special session? Feel free to contact us and let's discuss about it.
For any question, please contact Davide Chicco at davidechicco(AT)davidechicco.it
This webpage is publically available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.